1. What is Top Rally ?
2. Registration
3. Logging in
4. Office
5. Team
6. Season
7. Finances
8. Sponsors
9. Competitors
10. The Rally
11. Car Setup
12. Training
13. Talents
14. Messages
15. Forum
16. Transfers
17. Cars and car dealers
18. Tires, tires shop and tires storage.
19. Structure of leagues
20. League calendar
21. Signing up for rally
22. Financial rewards in rallies
23. Financial rewards at the end of the season
24. Costs of entering rallies
25. League table, points and promotions
26. Rally car hire shop
27. Setup
28. The Rally of Champions
29. Maxi TR
30. Rally groups
31. Mistrzowie Gry, Moderatorzy i inne funkcje
What is Top Rally ?
It is a game. It is the first 'on line' type rally game played in real time as it happens. In the game, you are the owner of a rally team. Your aim is to manage your team. At the same time you are responsible for entering your team in rallies, training your drivers and co-drivers, buying, selling, fixing and upgrading your team's rally cars. In short, you are introduced into all of the fine points of rallying in a simple and playable way. Rally experience is not required.
In order to play Top Rally, you have to have an account with TopRally.net. The registration is free of charge. Make sure you read all the rules carefully before you register. By registering, you automatically are accepting all of the Top Rally rules.
To register, write your First and Last Name (up to 32 characters), e-mail address (up to 65 characters), your new team's name (up to 20 characters) and your login name (from 4 to 10 characters). Bear in mind, that you will be recognized in the game by your login name, and you will not be able to change it in the future, so choose it wisely.
We are not responsible for the information you are giving to us. And we will not allow the use of offensive words, displeasing sentences or names that will discriminate or be immoral to others as a team or login name, or advertisement of Internet sites and addresses. You are not allowed to register more then one account (one team) to play the game. TopRally.net reserves the rights to reject the registration without an explanation.
Later, at any time after you login, you will be able to check or change your personal information.
Top Rally reserves the right to make use of your personal information for marketing and statistical purposes in accordance with Polish privacy law, August 29, 1997 (Dz. U. nr. 133, poz. 883) and to use your e-mail address to send you important service information.
A confirmation with your password will be sent to the e-mail address you have provided, within 48 hours. You will be able to change your password right after you log in to Top Rally for the first time. For safety reasons password should contain both letters and numbers. In addition, password should not be based on user’s name, login, nick, etc.
After you register, you have 7 days to login for the first time. If you do not login in that time, your account will be terminated from TopRally.net, and if you do not login for 50 consecutive days during play your account will be closed.
At the start of the game, you will have two (2) competitors on your team and 550 000 TR money at your disposal. All you have to do at first is to buy a car and sign up for a rally.
Logging in
Only registered users can play in Top Rally. After you register, type www.toprally.net in your browser. When the main page appears, click on the TopRally.net logo, which will take you to the second page. Click on the "Log on" menu on the left side of the page. Next, type your registered username and password, and click on the "log in" button.
At this point, we would like to remind you about using your account, username and password. Please, refer to the registration section of Top Rally rules.
This is your place. Here, you will find all the facts about your team, as well as, your personal information. From your office, by clicking on "setup" (in the office menu) you can change your password, which we strongly recommend to do. Also, you can allow the other players to see your name and E-mail address, which by default are not visible.
This is very important, because your office will be visible to other players. They will be able to visit you by clicking on your team's name or your login name.
What will you find in your office? Let's quickly go through the menu.
Team - that is where your team members are. By clicking on their names, you will go to their personal page, where you can choose to fire them or put them on the transfer list.
Garage - you will find your rally cars here. By clicking on "workshop" you will go to your car's technical information page. In there, you will be able to repair or upgrade parts.
Finances - all the information about your income and expenses for the round.
Training - that is where you select who, and what will be practiced for the round in your team.
Talents - your talent's search scout is here. Pay him and he will work for you.
Current offers - information in regard to your buying and selling offers.
Rallies history - archives of your rally entries.
Transfers history - archives of your buying and selling activities
Messages - archives of your privately sent and received messages.
Setup - you can change your private information here.
In addition to this, you will find in your office, date of your registration, level of your league, your team's position in overall standings, total amount of your budget and information about your team's entries, results, financial rewards from rallies and many more.
If you want to send a private message to a team, just click on the team or the nickname and write to them from their office. A blinking icon will let them know that you sent the message.
In order to play the game, each team has to have a minimum of two (2) competitors. You will get two of them automatically when you start the game for the first time. Which one will be the driver, and which one the co-driver, you will have to decide for yourself.
To see your team, just click on "Team" in the Office submenu. The detailed list of all your team members will appear. This itemized list is visible only to team owner. A less detailed list is visible to other managers, when they visit your team. The only time the other players will see a detailed list, is when you put a team member on the transfer list.
To fire or transfer list a competitor, click on his or her name and a more detailed, personal page will appear with the options to do so. On the same page you will find the transfer history link, for this competitor. In it, you can find out if he changed teams and what was the price. This option helps us to trace illegal transactions between teams.
In Top Rally, a season consists of 11 weeks. Each week is called a round. The first round is called round zero (round 0). There are no rallies in round 0 (except for the prestigious Rally of Champions).
In round 0, the Top Rally Federation is approving the season's rally calendar and working on deals with future Top Rally sponsors. All the members in the Top Rally Federation are very busy at this time.
What can you do? Well, this is the most popular time to do transfers. So, you can buy or sell, or just spend time with the psychologist on training your drivers and co-drivers. This is your team, so the choice is yours to make. Plan it carefully, but remember that competitors are like real people. They become a year older after each season.
This round is the only time when manager is allowed to change name of his team. While choosing new name for the team, remember about rules specified in paragraph Registration.
In the second week, called round one (round 1) the actual rally calendar begins. In the next ten (10) rounds you will be able to compete in the Top Rally Championship in your league. At the end of a season, the top five teams are moving up (except for teams in the I league) in the league's configuration. The bottom 15 are going down (except for the lowest league) to a lower league configuration. The rest of the teams will stay in the same league for the second season.
After season is complete all teams receive financial rewards for their final places in league's table. This concerns general classifiaction as well as positions in particular car classes.
"Money makes the world go around" - the saying goes, and the same principle is true in Top Rally. As the manager, you are responsible for your team's financial well being. The better you are, the better the team is.
The financial report of your day to day income and expenses, you will find by clicking on the "Finances" in the "Office" submenu.
On the top of the page is the amount in your account, in the beginning of the round. Below that, the detailed table of your activity for the round, and on the bottom, the balance for the round, balance at the end of the round and available resources for the round.
Available resources for the round are calculated by deducting expenses for the round from the total amount in your account (budget). Your budget amount is disclosed in your office.
What expenses may you have ?
In Top Rally a team's expenses are made of:
- Money blocked on auctions - the money layed out for auctions and transfers
- Money blocked for talent search - the money you have selected to pay for talent search
- Money blocked for training - the money for a session with a psychologist
- Money blocked for rally entries - the money blocked for impending rally entries
- Salaries - your team's salaries
- Car service(s) - the money paid for car(s) repairs and modifications
- Purchases - the money spent on transfers and auctions
- Starting expenses - the actual money paid out for rally entries
To have expenses, you have to have an income. The income for the round is itemized on the right side of the table and in it you will find:
- Funds from sponsors - the money you received from sponsors for your rally activity in the past round
- Rewards from rallies - the money your team won in this round's rallies
- Transfer sales - the money you received in the round from auctions and transfers
As in real life, money from Sponsors aids enormously in the development and activity of a team. The admirable thought in Top Rally, is that there are Sponsors, but as the manager you do not have to deal with them personally. You do not have to write proposals, sign contracts or waste your time looking for them. Is that great, or what?
Top Rally Federation makes sure that after each round you receive money from Sponsors based on:
- the league level your team is in
- the number of rallies out of your league, entered
- popularity of your team members
- how long you have your team
League level is important. More exposure in higher leagues makes Sponsors much happier, so they are willing to spend more money on your team. If your drivers and co-drivers are popular, and you show your Sponsors' name in rallies out of your league, that encourages them even more.
Things can change though, poor economy can effect even the richest of the Sponsors.
Amount of money received from sponsors depense also on the class of a car in which we will start in our league rally. For driving in a car adequate to the league level we will be given extra money every week. Amount of this extra prize equals three repairs of the highest-level car which is promoted in specific league:
Following charts present which classes are promoted in specific league level:
In a country with 4 or more levels:
I – A8, N4, A7
II – N4, A7, N3
III – A7, N3, A6
IV – A6, N2, A5, N1
In a country with 3 levels:
I – A8, N4, A7
II – N4, A7, N3
III – N3, A6, N2, A5, N1
In a country with 2 levels:
I – A8, N4, A7, N3
II – A7, N3, A6, N2, A5, N1
If we enter the team in a class promoted on our league level, the menager will receive 100% of this extra prize. However, if we enter a car which is promoted in lower level, we will receive 50% of the prize. In any other situation, prize is not given.
In Top Rally, a rally team consists of team members called - Competitors. In order to enter a rally, you have to have a minimum of two (2) competitors. There is no maximum limit on how many competitors a team can have. If you can afford them, by paying their weekly wages, you can have them.
A competitor’s salary is revised in the beginning of a season or when you sign the contract with him/her (it does not change till the end of a season). The salary is calculated, based on the competitor’s value and starts with a minimum of 2000 TR.
The competitor’s value is based on his/her experience and the level of his/her skills.
In Top Rally each competitor may be a driver or a co-driver. Who is going to have what position, that decision belongs to the team’s manager, which is you.
Nineteen (19) different characters are used to categorize a competitor in this game. They are:
- age
- value
- character
- wage
- experience
- fatigue
Driving skills:
- driving on tarmac
- driving on gravel
- driving on snow
- driving on dry surface
- driving on wet surface
- ability to drive front wheel drive cars
- ability to drive four wheel drive cars
- ability to read pace notes
Psychological skills:
- bravery
- concentration
- reflex
- resistance to stress
- ability to influence others
Each driving and psychological skill has it’s own level, which is:
- hopeless (1)
- terrible (2)
- weak (3)
- poor (4)
- mediocre (5)
- satisfactory (6)
- good (7)
- worthy (8)
- dependable (9)
- excellent (10)
- fantastic (11)
- brilliant (12)
- world class (13)
- master (14)
The youngest competitor is 17 years old. The oldest, no one really knows. The age is not much important, except in training. At different ages, competitors learn differently. At a younger age, some skills will improve quicker. However, after reaching specific age, some of skills will start to fall down slowly. Age is a huge advantage for young competitors, who are set to replace current masters if only they are trained properly.
This is hypothetical value of a competitor, based on experience and all of his/her driving and psychological skills. For instance, you might have a competitor with exceptional skills on dry gravel and the ability to drive front wheel drive cars, but very poor in other skills, which will lower his overall value. That does not mean, that he/she is valued at that much on the market. The market value may be different to other managers. They may value level of individual skills more or less.
The competitor’s character does not effect his/her competing abilities. You can not change it or improve it. They are simply, born with it. In Top Rally, competitors with different characters are liked more or less by sponsors. The popular ones can bring more money.
Level of character:
- mean
- controversial
- friendly
- popular
Experience is the most important skill for any competitor. Especially when the driving strategy is to drive at maximum speed in a top rally car. By entering rallies, they improve their experience skills. But, even the most experienced competitor may not win, if he/she does not have a talent for it. In Top Rally this means, higher levels in other skills.
Rallies are very stressful these days. Constant training, testing and competing can drain even the best of us. Driving at maximum speed is the most stressful and they will get tired quickly. On the other hand, driving at the competitor’s own speed is a lot less tiring. So, be careful. An exhausted competitor will refuse to drive in a rally.
Levels of fatigue:
1. none (0 - 60)
2. slight (60 - 130)
3. medium (130 - 210)
4. high (210 - 300)
5. tired* (300 - 400)
6. very tired* (400 -510)
7. exhausted* (above 510)
Above values are given only for better understanding of particular fatigue levels.
* - The competitor will not start a rally. If you will enter him/ she in this condition, you will lose the entry fee.
In addition, higher fatigue level lowers competitor’s reflex and concentration, which has negative effect on achieved results and increases chance of making a mistake, both during the rally and test stage. Competitors rest every day, their fatigue level decreases by 100.
Driving skills
These skills are important to a driver only. The talent to drive on all the different types of surface is very difficult to find, so the other choice is to find a “specialist”. The skill to drive front or four wheel drive cars is a must, as well as, the ability to control a car on wet or dry surface. The better the skill, the better chance to reach the finish.
Ability to read pace notes
The best team managers always look for co-drivers with the best ability to read the pace notes properly. The higher the skill, the better they can guide their drivers through the narrow and twisty roads.
To be able to drive quickly and compete with the best drivers and co-drivers, you have to be very brave. The same type of bravery a good competitor needs to have, in the Top Rally Championship. As a driver, being too brave compared to other skills may cause him/her to go off the road, but as a co-driver it helps to be brave.
This skill is needed to achieve a good result in a rally. Both, driver and co-driver have to be able to concentrate on the stages. Losing concentration even for a split of a second can cause the team to not finish a rally.
Another useful skill for both competitors. Good reflex helps a driver to better control a rally car or to brake late into a corner without going off. The higher the reflex, the better the times on a stage.
Resistance to stress
Stress is the worst enemy of a driver or a co-driver in a rally. Not able to control nerves can get any team in trouble or worse, they may not finish a rally. Drivers can go off the road or a co-driver can make a mistake reading the notes.
Ability to influence others
This skill is useful for a co-driver. His ability to influence his driver to drive faster (or to slow down) and to know when to do that, can make a difference between wining or losing a rally. Many times it means, getting to the finish in one piece.
The Rally
Rally consists of special stages. Special stage (SS) is a specially prepared and secured road, closed for regular traffic. Usually all stages in a rally have similar surface (tarmac, gravel, snow, etc). Each SS is described by various attributes - stage name, start time, length, number of bends, difficulty level and record time. Shape of the route is demonstrated on special map.
Main goal for every crew is to complete all stages in shortest possible time. Most rallies are single-leg. Only 1st league rallies are divided into two legs and take two days. World championship rallies are planned to last three days. Each event has its name and schedule. Time specified in the schedule denotes starting time of first team from the start list. All teams start in order specified by entry list. The starting order is decided after closing of entry list, 15 minutes before start of first stage. Teams are sorted by car class, higher classes come first. Among cars of the same class, teams that are nominated for league competition have the priority. Teams set off one after another with one minute delay, so starting time can be easily calculated for each team on a start list. Teams that withdraw from the rally are not removed from the start list, which means that gap between teams does not change throughout the competition.
Results for particular special stages are updated immediately and can be tracked live. They are presented two ways: on and after a stage. Results on stage allow to view times in which teams complete particular stages. Results after stage show summarized times from the first stage till the one that is viewed. Actually, results after stage should be interpreted as current classification of the rally. Therefore, results after last last special stage are final results of the rally. Of course, results may change until all teams reach the finish line, as classification depends on time in which teams complete special stages and good crew may achieve decent results even in a weaker car. The results page does not refresh automatically. Official results are available 2,5 hours after beginning of last special stage. League classification is updated at that time, too.
On every rally you will find a group of observers sent by TopRally whose task is to report live everything that happens during the rally. Reported information is available to view as "info from the stage". Info on everythig noticeable that happended during the stage, as well as short interviews with contenders, can be found inside these reports. It is always worthy to watch and analyze news, they often contain suggestions and conclusions regarding poor or good performace on the stage. Human mistakes are commonly followed by car defects or breakdowns. Analyze them and take into account when you plan tactics for future races. There is one more listing available, but it is probably the least liked list in TopRally - the list of teams that did not finish the rally. Teams can be placed there for various reasons: members may be too tired to even set off, car condition can be so poor, car with more than 15.000 km mileage that it will not be allowed to start or it may break down during the race, eventually driver or co-driver can make a mistake, especially if they are not experienced or have insufficient skills.
Car Setup
Every manager needs to do a couple of things before rally: choose driver, co-driver, car, driving tactics and, eventually, set up the car. Good knowledge of car elements, the way they work and interfere with each other is important if you want to achieve good results.
When choosing settings for your car, you should rely on your own experience. Do not think you will find a recipe for success here, everyone should be collecting experience throughout the gameplay. We can only offer you some bacisc, which every rally team manager should be aware of. Every special stage in a rally has same surface. Alhough there may be some exceptions, it can be assumed surface type does not change during single rally. TopRally distinguishes six different surface types: tarmac, rough tarmac, smooth gravel, rough gravel, snow and icy snow. Tarmac is standard and well known surface type. Tarmac is called rough when it is full of of sand, gravels and road is often rough. Smooth gravel is quite plain and well formed sandy surface, while rough gravel is very hard to drive on, you can expect lots of stones and gravels. The snow should be clear. Icy snow stands for snowy or tarmac surface, but widely covered with thin layer of ice.
Having base knowlege of various surfaces, you can make first try and choose the suspension. In TopRally complexity of suspension has been reduced and it can vary only in height. The general rule is: the harder is surface, the lower suspension you should choose. Lowering (which implies hardening) of suspension increases adhesion and allows driving through bends at higher speed. You should also consider the weather. It may be a good idea to lift the suspension a little during rainy or snowy rallies.
Every special stage of a rally is described by a couple of attributes, which are useful for right gearbox setup. Number of bends divided by length of a stage makes so called difficulty factor. Analyze difficulty factors of all special stages before you choose gearbox ratio for your car "Short" gearboxes accelerate better but they disable high maximum speed, while "long" ones allow higer top speed at cost of weaker acceleration. Difficulty factor directly suggests gearbox type, but managers should decide for themselves what factor values correspond to specific gearbox ratios. Also note that special stages in single rally have various difficulty factors, and this makes the decision even more complicated.
The steering
Manager's choice should be based mainly on surface type and difficulty factor. The hint for you is: the more bends in a stage, the quicker steering should function.
You can divide braking force in your car to front and rear brakes. Although there is no absolute and universal way to balance brakes perfectly, as it highly depends on driver's individual style, nevertheless it can be assumed that hard surfaces require stronger front brakes.
Only 4 wheel drive cars (N4 and A8) allow choice of steering type. Similar to brakes, drive balance depends on distribution of accelerating power to front and rear axle. Balanced cars accelerate all four wheels with equal strength, but the power can be put onto one of car's axles. Anyway, optimal choice of car's drive is directly reflected by results achieved on special stages.
Test Special Stage
Test stage is especially useful for rookie managers, who have insufficient experience and are not sure how to set up their cars before a rally. Manager can choose any stage from the list of all that are available in Top Rally and test it in various car and crew configurations. Only one stage per round can be chosen for testing. Once the stage is chosen, it can be tested with different car settings or tactics, depending on stage surface type and preferred weather conditions. Gathered information will be perfect starting point for managers, who can analyze the data and choose setup for real competition.
Driving test stages is a kind of training and causes increase of competitors’ skills. But on the other hand, competitors that participate in testing get tired, car mileage grows and its elements use up. As in real rally, crews can have various accidents that may cause additional loss.
Cost of single test stage run depends on car’s drive. For front wheel drive cars cost is 4 000 TR per run, while for four wheel drive cars it is 5 000 TR.
Test stage runs are performed in real time. This means that results are not available until team reaches finish line. To get the results, you have to wait for your team to complete the stage. Test stage results are available until end of round, in which tests were performed. Maxi TR users can view the results for one additional round.
Training is a long lasting process, which definitely requires a good strategy if it is supposed to be successful. Manager should optimize the training schedule, so that all his team members benefit from it as much as possible. The thing is that you can only choose one type of training for your whole team, and preferably it should to be the one that grants biggest gain. When choosing training, treat your team it as a whole. Your team members possibly may be specialized in different surface types, but you can train only one of their skills in a round. Right choice sometimes may be hard to make and requires the manager to choose from among different options.
Team members in Top Rally are described by various skills, which increase when trained. Two different variants of training can be distinguished: training of driving skills and psychological training.
Driving skills training
To get best results in this kind of training your team members need to start in rallies (or test stages) rather frequently. Crucial factor in training of driving skills is the number of kilometers - the more your crews drive, the more efficient is the training. Obviously, this concerns only those of the skills, which are trained while driving a car:
- driving on different types of surface: tarmac, gravel, snow, as well as dry and wet;
- driving two or four wheel drive cars;
- improving the ability to read notes.
Note that training one of the above skills causes additional increase of several other skills, although this extra growth will be much lower. For example, when trainig one of driver's skills, the co-driver improves his ability to read notes. Similarly, driving on surfaces different than one chosen for training will also have a positive effect on your drivers, but the increase will be significantly smaller. Below you will find several rules, which should be very helpful when planning training for your team.
1. To achieve best training results on particular kind of surface (let's say - gravel), your drivers need to take part in rallies of that surface (in our case - gravel, but the same is about tarmac and snow).
2. Training either wet or dry surface requires starting in rallies which are held in appropriate weather conditions. Let us just state that sun or small overcloud would be good conditions for dry surface training, while rainy, snowy or icy weather is best to train driving on wet surfaces. Unstable weather (overcloud or large overcloud) will have positive effect on both dry and wet surface training.
3. Obviously to benefit from front wheel drive training, your drivers need to start in front wheel drive cars and, accordingly, driving four wheel drive cars is necessary to train corresponding skill (currently two types of 4 wheel drive cars are available in Top Rally: N4 and A8 class).
But even if you obey all the above rules, you are not guaranteed to gain maximum training effect just by having your team members start in rallies. Another factor is the driving tactics you choose for your competitors. Safe driving increases the chance of reaching finish line, however your team members will not learn too much driving too securely. They can get much better results driving aggresively or at maximum, at cost of higher fatigue. Never forget that each driver and co-driver will get more and more tired if they start without sufficient resting time, and they will finally get too exhausted to enter another rally. In such case all you can do is give them a couple of days off. In other words every manager has to work out his own way to get best training results but, at the same time, keep his team members in good condition.
Psychological training
This kind of training does not require your team members to start in rallies, because it is mainly based on meetings with a psychologist and individual workouts. Once manager decides to train one of the following skills: concentration, bravery, ability to influence onthers, stress resistance or reflex - he has to select team members to take part in the training. It is important to make a selection, because psychological training is not free. The cost is 5 000 TR a week for each trained competitor. Efficiency of psychological training is always the same - you can do nothing to increase the results. Round zero (round between seasons) is probably when all managers will choose this kind of training, since there are no rallies held during this round and there would be no use of training driving skills.
There is no particular way in which competitors can train their experience. They gain it all the time, if only they participate in training process – by starting in rallies and test stages. The best opportunity to gain experience is the league rally, which is the most beneficial to the competitors' experience. Psychological training also provides growth of the experience, but not as high as starting in rallies does.
Training - summary
The progress particular competitors can make in result of training is not always the same. It depends on their age, but in different way for various skills. Each skill grows in its specific way and optimal age to train particular skills depends on that characteristic. Experienced manager will know, what and when should be trained to get best results. They also know there is one additional attribute, which never changes and cannot be trained - the character. Event though it does not affect results achieved in rallies, your team's financial status will be partially determined by team members' characters. Want to know how is that? Ask your sponsors...
It is probably a good idea to plan training for your team at the beginning of each round and only verify that choice before round ends. However, it is not necessary, since the training decision can be made at any moment of the round, will it be the first or even the last day. When round ends, every Friday at 11PM, your training choice will be recorded and the whole team's training will be calculated. Remember, the training is always applied for the round that is just coming to an end! This weekly training summary determines how much particular skills will grow and how much your team members gain from the training you have chosen. The numbers seen on competitor's details page will not always rise - weekly growth is not enough to reach level up each round. Thus simple comparison of skills before and after the training was applied is not enough to find out accuracy of chosen training type. As it was said, training is a long lasting process and the results will never be immediate. However, determination and consistency in training will surely lead to eventual growth of skill levels. It is also possible that a skill will grow even though you did not choose it to train. That is because training of particular skill causes additional, though small growth of some other skills.
Appropriate training is one of requirements your team has to meet, if you are determined to achieve success. So consider your options and choose what is the best for your team, since other managers are looking to do the same!
Searching for the best driver or co-driver to win for you the Top Rally Championship is the one of the most important attributes of a great team manager. To help you with this task, you can hire a talent-searching scout. You will find your scout under “Talents” in the “Office” submenu on the left side of the screen.
In order for the scout to work and search for you for a young (17 – 20 years old) talent, you will have to pay a weekly salary.
When you click on the “Talents”, a page will open with three different salary levels and a level of the scout’s experience. The salary choices are 10 000 TR, 25 000 TR or 50 000 TR. By paying a minimum salary (10 000 TR) your scout will not only spend less time looking for talents, but his level of experience will improve very slowly. By paying the top salary (50 000 TR) the level of the scout’s experience rises the quickest The experience level is very important. The more experience the scout has the better proposition you might receive, but it is not a promise. Some times at any level of the experience you might receive no proposition from the scout. In other words, it is a risky business.
The level of experience for a scout is:
- hopeless (1)
- terrible (2)
- weak (3)
- poor (4)
- mediocre (5)
- satisfactory (6)
- good (7)
- worthy (8)
- dependable (9)
- excellent (10)
- fantastic (11)
- brilliant (12)
- world class (13)
- master (14)
At the “good” level of experience it is not enough to pay minimum salary (10 000 TR) to improve the level. From this level it will cost you minimum 25 000 TR to rise the stakes.
Every two rounds, which means in rounds 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 of a season in the “Talents” submenu you will find a proposition from your talent-searching scout. You be able to choose only one driver or a co-driver. When you are ready just click on “sign a contract” and if the scout is ready to show you his/her proposition, you will be taken to the detailed list of your team. In there, you will be able to check his/her skills and decide on his/her future on your team.
If you decide to fire him/her immediately, you will not have to pay his/her salary. Or, you might decide to get a return on your investment and put him/her on the transfer list. The choice is yours.
Just remember, you do not have a choice on what skill level the proposed talent will be on. The only choice you have is the amount of weekly salary (you can choose “0 TR” and do not search) and a choice between driver and a co-driver. Searching and paying for it is a long process and the results are most of the time, very stressful. We can only say… Good luck.
This is the best way of communication between teams - a private message can be sent to any other team. In order to do that, open main page of recipient's team (use team searching form, or simply click on team name, lots of links are available on various pages within the game). Use textarea to enter the message and submit form to send it.
Once you receive a message from another user, you will be immediately notified by a blinking icon which appears in the top right corner. Clicking that icon is the shortest and easiest way to open the incoming messages page.
There is one more purpose in which messages are used in TopRally - all game notifications are delivered through the messages system. Everytime someone overbids your offer for car or person, you will receive special message. At the same time owner receives appropriate message, with information about new bid.
Maxi TR owners can take advantage of another use of messages. Watching teams and competitors comes with various notification options. For example each auction activity concerning observed competitor may be followed by a message that will be sent to watching manager.
Forum is the right place for every player to share their opinions, give advices or discuss with other managers. Clicking "Forum" section of game menu opens several choices. League forum is dedicated to all managers from a single league, that is where league subjects shall be discussed. Country forum is for all players from same country, containing discussion on more general topics. Global forum is simply for everyone. Note that all messages on global forum should be posted in english; this is the only language allowed there. Forum is not the right place for private discussion between players, you should rather use messages system (described in separate paragraph) for individual discussion. A forum is supposed to contain topics that concern all its users.
In addition, members of each rally group have their own forum, closed to all other players. Thus group members get a chance to share important and perhaps confidential information with guarantee nobody else will be able to read it. Even moderators cannot access group forums. Group forums is not accessible for Game Masters and Moderators.
Terms of use:
Abusing and offending is absolutely prohibited in any meaning. (Ustawa o języku polskim z dnia 7 października 1999 r. art. 3 oraz Kodeks cywilny art. 23) In addition any kind of advertising is forbidden. Keep your discussions polite and focus on facts, as in real life. Managers who not obey forum rules will be disciplined accordingly. This may include financial fees or temporary forum bans. Game Masters and Moderators are authorized to judge individual cases and penalize insubordinate players if needed.
Forum users are disallowed to post any illegal content, including propagation of alcohol and drugs (Ustawa o wychowaniu w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałaniu alkoholizmowi z dnia 26 października 1982 r. art. 2 oraz Ustawa o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii z dnia 24 kwietnia 1997 r. art.1), discriminating or offensive to any nationality, religion or race (Kodeks cywilny art. 23 oraz Kodeks karny art. 194 - 196), publishing of unproven accusations (Kodeks cywilny art. 23) and any kind of content that is commonly considered immoral, socially improper. In addition, all posts should obey the rules of netiquette. Violation of any of above rules will be penalized by Game Masters and Moderators, this includes removing from the game.
Rules stated above concern all Top Rally users. Top Rally disclaims any responsibility for content posted to any of the forums. Users take all the responsibility for opinions they publish. Top Rally keeps right to remove posts or even close topics conflicting with any of rules specified above.
To successfully compete with other managers, it is necessary to seek and acquire new members to your team. Of course new signings should be better and better so that the team could develop and achieve good results. In addition, competitors that do not fit your vision of rally team can be placed on the transfer list and sold if anyone makes sufficient offer. The transfer market is where you can do such things. It is the only way to change ownership of a competitor in Top Rally.
Selling team members
To sell a member of your team, first you have to place him on the transfer list. It can be done on the competitor page, which is availbale by clicking his/her name. At the bottom of the page you will find special form. Fill it, submit and confirm your decision to place the competitor on the trasfer list. The form requires you to enter an initial price. This should be the least amount of money for which you agree to sell the competitor. The auction lasts three days (exact time is given in auction details) and after that time the competitor will be transferred to team which made the highest bid. If no one was interested in buying the competitor, he is removed from the list.
Bought competitor is available for buyer immediately after auction is finished. If the deal ends while competitor takes part in a rally, he will be available for the buyer after rally is completed. If no one decides to buy a transfer listed competitor, he will stay in owner’s team after the auction is over. Placing competitor on a transfer list cannot be undone! He will be available for sale for at least three days and there is no excuse! In addition, be aware that all skills of transfer listed competitor are displayed to other Top Rally users.
You can make a bid for your own team member whom you have placed on the transfer list. This may seem to make no sense at first sight, but that is how you can raise the price of your competitor (if you want to acquire more money), or obstruct other managers (if you decided you want to keep him in your team anyway). However, bidding own competitors is risky, because if you win your own auction, you will be fined 10% of transfer value.
Buying team members
Only transfer listed competitors are available to other managers. It is not possible to sell (or move) a team member directly to other team, without making him publicly available on auction. If you spot a competitor whom you really want in your team, you can send a private message to the owner and ask him to place your target on the transfer list.
Click on the name of transfer listed competitor that interests you, to get more details. You are able to check all his skills as well as his character and estimated value. Submit your offer if you decide you want him in your team.
One of tactics manager may choose when they want to buy a competitor, is to make a bid just before the auction ends. If an offer is made less than three minutes before scheduled end of an auction, it is being extended by another three minutes. This is the time for other managers, so that they could consider if they want to make a higher bid. The bidding heat ends when no there is no one else to top the bid for remaining couple of minutes.
Players should keep in mind that Top Rally is a network based game: the network or game servers may fail to perform well just in time of end of an auction. Waiting for the last moment you take a risk of unexpected problems which can potentially prevent you from making successful deal.
Tranfer market rules.
Quality team members, good cars and pocket full of cash are crucial elements of the game. Because of this importance, the Top Rally Federation pays special attention to transfer market activities and makes its best to restrain the number of frauds. Offers that are clearly irrational will be monitored and, if neccessary, unfair teams will be fined or even banned. So remember: it is forbidden to run more than one team. Neither you can "help" your friends or relatives, buying from them cars or competitors at too high prices. Game Masters are authorized to change unreasonable prices and cancel fraudulent deals. Obviously they are also able to fine and ban cheating teams. If you spot a transaction that looks dubious to you, do not hesitate to notify Game Masters.
Cars and car dealers
A driver and co-driver are not everything that is required to achieve success. You need one more thing: a car. In Top Rally, there are two ways of acquiring cars: buying them at the dealer or winning an auction. Buying a car is the simplest method (which does not mean that it is the best though).
At the dealer you can buy cars of all groups. The price is strictly dependant of the group of the vehicle: the better the car the higher the group. In Top Rally there are 8 groups (starting at the lowest): N1, A5, N2, A6, N3, A7, N4 and A8. Groups designated with the "N" symbol contain production cars equipped with basic competition parts: roll cages, bucket seats and racing harnesses. Cars designated with the "A" symbol are real rally cars. They are heavily modified and use only the best parts specially designed for use in extreme conditions. Vehicles of N4 and A8 groups are the only ones that have four wheel drive and turbochargers. This gives them an edge on gravel, snow and wet surface rallies. All of the other groups use front wheel drive. Each car has six basic parts that can be repaired and modified. Each of those parts have three levels of modification: low - standard - top. All cars bought at the dealership are equipped with "low" level parts. Upgrading those components will provide the player with more car setup options: the car has to be properly set up for each rally to be competitive. Condition of any element after upgrade is 100%. Better parts also mean that the car is more stable, easier to drive and more reliable which in turn improves performance. If you upgrade all components of a N group car to "top" you will be able to upgrade the whole vehicle to group A. Of course this process requires some investment. You can only upgrade cars of the same category: for example N1 and A5 cars are front wheel drive and their engine displacement is 1400ccm so it is possible to turn a N1 car into a A5 car. Let's provide some examples: N1 upgrades to A5, N2 to A6, N3 to A7 and N4 to A8. The reason behind it is simple: almost everything can be modified in A group cars (body, gearbox, suspension, engine etc.) save the displacement. After upgrading to group A all parts will be again on "low" level. It is possible to modify only one part in a round so choose wisely. Analyse which part will have the biggest impact on performance in the next rally.
Every mechanical part wears out. If it is used inappropriately it wears out faster. This is also true for parts of a car. Using wrong setup means more damage and in turn more money is spent by the team for repairs. Every part can be repaired by 10%, any number of such repairs can be chosen by manager. Part upgraded to “Medium” or “Maxi” will be in mint condition of 100% even is old one was used up. If car element is seriously damaged, manager can choose to replace it. But before decision, he must take into account that newly replaced part will be at level “Mini”. Replacement cost is same as cost of upgrade. If condition of any element drops below 50%, car will not pass technical check and will not be allowed to start in rally. Any paid entry fee forfeits in such case. Note that your cars are also rated by their mileage. The bigger the mileage the less powerful and reliable your car becomes. Mileage bigger than 15000km means that your car is rated at 69% of its standard performance: it can't get worse than that. Cars with more than 15.000 km mileage would not pass technical inspection. Cars in Top Rally do not have any particular age, so car mileage is somehow determining car’s model, value, reliability and results that can be achieved.
When choosing the appropriate car at the dealer you have to realise that upgrading and repairing a more expensive car will cost you more than working on a cheap one. However expensive cars perform much better than those cheap ones. On the other hand, powerful car can turn out to be too hard to drive for weak competitors – they may fail to get any good result. As a manager it is up to you to make the choice: it pays off to be considerate and to take future costs into account.
When purchasing a car you have the choice of the vehicle's group. Choosing one will display costs of part upgrades and repairs. After making the choice you can name your car. Newly bought car has factory name. You can change it, but only once! Name can be set even if its owner has changed. You can come up with any name but remember that the name stays with the car until the end (no one can change it). The name can also influence auctions: not everyone will be willing to buy a car named "Limpin` Jalopy". Caution! Clicking the [Buy] button means that the transaction has been completed: this is an irreversible process. After purchase you can find your car in your team's garage.
Car bought on auction is moved to buyer’s garage immediately after auction is over. If an auction ends while car takes part in a rally, new owner will get the car right after rally is completed.
Tires, tires shop and tires storage.
Tires is a another part in rally's tactics. Tires are required in A7, N4 and A8 cars class. To start in a rally or test stage in this class, you need to choice what type of tires you like to use in this event. Remember, cars with tires under 20% are not allowed to pass the technical check for a rally. Your crew will not start on Test Stage with tires usage under 5%.
You can buy tires in Tires Shop. You have 12 different types of tires to choise. Kind of tyres depend from types o surface and weather conditions on the track. Tires differences are shape of protcetor, width and also kind of rubber. You can choose between universal tyres (cheaper option) and profesional tyres (more expensive, better tracking etc.)
In "Tire Storage" You can find your all owned tires and check the usage. Old and used tires can be recycled. Please remember that you can store a 6 types of tires for free, any next one more will be cost of 4000 per week (payment on the end of turn).
How to choice correct tires?
First logical fact is the tire on tarmac will be not good in winter conditions. Second thing is weather conditions, same important like surface. Depend from rain status and temperature choice a correct tyre. Softer tires are for low weather temperature, have a better traction and less usage. Harder tires will be better for higher weather temperatures and usage will be lower.
This all facts give us two important things: speed and tire usage. More experienced managers should remember about this and calculate tires usage depends form lenght of rally. Using softer tires in rally, on first stages and you get better "times", but after "times" will get down because usage of tires. Before rally you need to remember that tires need to survive all stages.
Facts about average speeds, depend from:
- type of tire for kind of surface
- type of tire for weather conditions (rain or snow)
- type of tire for weather temperature
- usage % of the tire
Facts about tire usage, depend from:
- type of tire for kind of surface
- type of tire for weather conditions (rain or snow)
- type of tire for weather temperature
- tactics selected in rally
- difficulty level of the stage
Structure of leagues
Every league on every level comprises 40 teams. All teams compete throughout the season according to previously decided schedule. After season is completed 15 lowest placed teams are relegated to lower league (however, nobody will be relegated from the lowest level league), while top five teams achieve promotion to higher league.
Teams that do not have human manager are named "TR_Team". New manager who starts the game takes over one of such teams, usually it is a team from one of lower leagues. When number of users exceeds total number of teams The Top Rally Federation will make a decision to open new league level (which becomes new lowest one). Every new level is divided to groups, it consists of three times as many groups as level above.
League level: | I | II | III | IV | V | ... |
Number of groups: | 1 | 3 | 9 | 27 | 81 | ... |
League calendar
All rallies are scheduled before new season starts. Every league's rallies take place according to this schedule, always on the same day of week, starting between 8AM and 3PM. There is one rally a week and ten rallies a season. Most of the rallies last one day, except 1st league rallies which are divided into two legs and take two days. World championship rallies are planned to last three days. The calendar is specially prepared to separate rallies of similar surface type, so rallies that come one after another will have different surface (ie. gravel, tarmac, snow, gravel, tarmac, snow, and so on).
Here is an example rally schedule for four league levels:
Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
I g 1 | ||||||
II g 1 | II g 2 | II g 3 | ||||
III g 1 | III g 2 | III g 3 | III g 4 | III g 5 | III g 6 | III g 7 |
III g 8 | III g 9 | |||||
IV g 1 | IV g 2 | IV g 3 | IV g 4 | IV g 5 | IV g 6 | IV g 7 |
IV g 8 | IV g 9 | IV g 10 | IV g 11 | IV g 12 | IV g 13 | IV g 14 |
IV g 15 | IV g 16 | IV g 17 | IV g 18 | IV g 19 | IV g 20 | IV g 21 |
IV g 22 | IV g 23 | IV g 24 | IV g 25 | IV g 26 | IV g 27 |
Signing up for rally
Every league comprises ten rallies a season. Every rally's entry list is limited to 100 teams. If manager wants to nominate his crew to compete for league points, he needs to do that at least 7 days before rally starts. After that time crew nominations cannot be set or changed, however non-nominated teams can be still signed up. There is one more regulation for teams starting in a particular league - they cannot enter more than two crews. In addition, manager must decide, which crew is designated (nominated) to compete for league points. The other one can compete for good place and prize money, or simply drive for training.
One week before rally, entry list is opened for guest teams. Guests are teams from other leagues. They can start for training purposes, or to check competitors abilities and car setup. If they achieve a decent result, they will earn a valuable prize. Number of guest crews is limited, as 40 places are reserved for league entries. If 24 hours before rally any of these places remains free, it will be made available for guest teams’ signups.
Entry list is closed 15 minutes before start of the rally. No teams can be signed after that time. It is safer to sign up as soon as possible, because it may turn out that list limit has been reached.
If you want to take part in a rally, signing up is necessary. At this step, you need to make some decisions, like choice of driver, co-driver and car. To make things more complicated, manager has to choose car setup and driving tactics. Correct setup requires some experience and knowledge of car elements and is described in separate chapter. As to driving tactics - beginners are recommended to choose safe driving. Aggresive approach requires skilled and experienced team members.
Additional factor that manager should not forget about when signing up for a rally is fatigue of team members. When tired or exhausted, they will not even start the competition. No money back is available in such situation!
Important! Remember that cars are not allowed to start everyday - there must be at least one day gap between competitions. Obviously same car cannot start in two rallies a day, neither.
Financial rewards in rallies
Frequent winning is the best way to become famous, but sole fame seems to be not enough. Like in every professional sport, Top Rally winners are granted high financial rewards, too. Prizes are calculated basing on strict rules, that fit the following scheme:
place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
reward: | 170 000 | 154 000 | 140 000 | 130 000 | 120 000 | 111 000 | 104 000 | 97 000 | 90 000 | 84 000 |
place: | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | others |
reward: | 75 000 | 68 000 | 62 000 | 58 800 | 57 000 | 55 200 | 53 400 | 51 600 | 49 800 | 48 000 |
place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
reward: | 50 000 | 40 000 | 35 000 | 32000 | 30 000 | 28 000 | 26 000 | 24 000 | 22 000 | 20 000 |
place: | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | others |
reward: | 19 000 | 18 000 | 17 000 | 16000 | 15 000 | 14 000 | 13 000 | 12 000 | 11 000 | 10 000 |
The Top Rally Federation cares about development and satisfaction of competitors and pays special attention to the spirit of fair play. Taking this into account, the Federation stated rules of rewarding rally competitors. There are three critera: Firstly, teams competing for league points are privileged. According to game rules every team is allowed to sign at most two crews for league rally, but only one of these crews can compete for points. Nominated crews get highest prizes, of course the higher position (among other nominated crews) they achieve, the greater reward they get. To be more exact, it is as much as doubled base reward (see table above) multiplied by so called league coefficient (1st league - 2.2, 2nd league - 1.5, 3rd league - 0.9, 4th league - 0.7, lower leagues - 0.6).
Then, crews that compete for league points are classified in particular car classes - all cars of same class make separate classification. Rewards depend on achieved position and additionally on how many cars are starting in that particular class. If there are 20 or more cars in a class, the prize is equal to base specified in table above. However, if less than 20 cars are signed in particular class, base values are smaller. Precisely, as many items as number lacking to the limit of twenty will be removed from the beginning of the base table. Prize value is eventually multiplied by "league coefficient" (1st league - 1.2, 2nd league - 1.0, 3rd league - 0.8, 4th league - 0.7, lower leagues - 0.6).
For example: If there are five cars in a class, reward for the winner will be 14 000 and remaining teams will be given 13 000, 12 000, 11 000 and 10 000. Of course these values are multiplied by "league coefficient".
And finally, all teams (league and guest ones) that managed to arrive to the finish are gratified by rally's organizers. In this case prize depends on position achieved in general classification and, again, is calculated according to numbers specified in the rewards table and multiplied by "league coefficient" (1st league - 1.2, 2nd league - 1.0, 3rd league - 0.8, 4th league - 0.7, lower leagues - 0.6).
All prizes calculated according to algorithms specified above are always rounded down to the multiple of 100.
Financial rewards at the end of the season
After season is complete all teams receive financial rewards for their final places in league's table. This concerns general classifiaction as well as positions in particular car classes. Such cash injections are likely to help managers in preparations to new season.
Rewards for final position in general classification, 1st league:
place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
reward: | 250 000 | 225 000 | 200 000 | 175 000 | 162 500 | 150 000 | 137 500 | 125 000 |
place: | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ... |
reward: | 112 500 | 100 000 | 93 750 | 87 500 | 75 000 | 62 500 | 62 500 | 62 500 |
Rewards fo final position in general classification, 2nd league:
place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
reward: | 200 000 | 180 000 | 160 000 | 140 000 | 130 000 | 120 000 | 110 000 | 100 000 |
place: | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ... |
reward: | 90 000 | 80 000 | 75 000 | 70 000 | 60 000 | 50 000 | 50 000 | 50 000 |
Rewards for final position in general classification, 3rd and lower leagues:
place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
reward: | 150 000 | 135 000 | 120 000 | 105 000 | 97 500 | 90 000 | 82 500 | 75 000 |
place: | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ... |
reward: | 67 500 | 60 000 | 56 250 | 52 500 | 45 000 | 37 500 | 37 500 | 37 500 |
Rewards in particular car classes are calculated in similar way. They are half as much high as prizes for corresponding location in general classification. However, in order to be classified in particular car class, team needs to complete at least three rallies starting in that class during the season.
Costs of entering rallies
The complete cost that team has to pay for entering a rally is called an entry fee. (Of course there are also indirect costs of rally preparations, but we are not taking them into accout here - for every manager it is an individual matter.) The Top Rally Federation has decided to unify entry fees for all league levels. However, it does not mean managers always pay identical fees for every rally they sign up for. There are three different entry fee types. Entering own league rally, no matter if the team will be driving for league points or not, is always free. Rallies held in other groups of own team's league level cost 10 000 TR of entry fee. Signing up for any of remaining rallies (which basically means any rally at different that own league level) costs 20 000 TR.
League table, points and promotions
League championship is the most valuable and desired trophy and every manager shall aim to achieve the title of Top Rally Champion. Team that wins first league classification at the end of every season is named the Champion. At the moment of registration everyone is getting a chance to achive this trophy. However, road to eventual tryumph will surely be long, rough and full of minor victories and defeats. Victory and fame is reserved to most determined managers who make best choices in every aspect of the game, which involves (among others) prefectly matched tactics and team members all over the season.
At the beginning of the career every team is placed in one of groups of the lowest league level. Every league's schedule contains exactly 10 rallies a season. In each of these rallies best placed teams get points that are important for league's general classification and particular different class classifications. However, points can be gained only by crews explicitely nominated by managers before rally. Points to general classification are accorded basing on the following scheme:
Place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | >12 |
Points: | 20 | 15 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
System used in case of car type classification is slightly different. In order to make the competition harder and more interesting, points won by teams depend on number of cars starting in particular car class.
Place: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | >12 | Number of competitors |
Points: | 20 | 15 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 12 or more |
Points: | 15 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 11 |
Points: | 12 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Points: | 10 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 |
Points: | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 |
Points: | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
Points: | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Points: | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Points: | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Points: | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
Points: | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Points: | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
When season ends, promotion to higher league is achieved by top five teams, who have collected most points in general classification during season's ten league rallies. In case two or more teams have equal number of points, higher position will be occupied by team that has attained highest place in any of attended league rallies. If there are still any tied teams, total number of top positions they achieved shall be considered to resolve their final location. If still no solution is reached, next places attained by teams are taken into account - second best result of the season, third, and so on, until distinct winner is eventually found.
End of a season brings sad news to 15 teams weakest in general classification. These teams are relegated to lower league, in which they will be competing next season. The lowest level leagues make an exception - no team will be ever relegated from there.
Rally car hire shop
To start in a rally you need rally crew (driver and co-driver) and a car. If a team does not have an available or fully repaired car for a specific date, or for some reason does not want to sign up to a rally with its own car, there is now a possibility to rent a car from the rally car hire shop. You have to remember that this solution might be much more expensive for a team than to start with its own car.
There is one car hire in TopRally. Hired cars are always fully prepared to a rally, with no more than 5000 km mileage. All the parts are upgraded to the maxi level and are 100% repaired. A rally team's manager picks a car from the car hire's current offer. The car is automatically reserved for him for the current next league rally, but is not automatically signed up to the rally. The manager has to sign up his crew with the hired car to the rally. The manager's account is charged with the hire costs at the moment of hiring the car. When the rally has finished, the car is returned to the car hire shop which fixes the car and covers the costs of it.
The cost of hire depends on the class of the car and its current mileage. Total amount of kilometers in a rally also affects the final quote you will have to pay for the hire of the car for this rally.The price per 1 km drops down as the car's mileage grows. If a car is brand new, there is an extra 10% charge of hire cost added on the top of the basic charge. The table below shows the charges of car hire with 0 km mileage (in every class) per 1 km in the 17th season.
Class - charge per 1 km
N1 - 500
A5 - 700
N2 - 1100
A6 - 1480
N3 - 2400
A7 - 4200
N4 - 4900
A8 - 6900
Every registered user can modify his profile at any time. Top Rally comes with functionality that allows users to change their personal information which is stored in game database. Whenever they want, users can update name and email information. By default user's personal information is inaccessible to other users. Therefore, user has to explicitely choose proper options on his profile page in order to make his personal information visible to other users (it will appear on the office page).
During registration new user receives an initial password, which is later required to log on. We recommend changing this automatically generated password. Note that for security reasons passwords should not contain only letters, but also numbers and other characters. Additionally they should never be based on user name, nick or any of popular dictionary words.
Name of the team can be modified only during the break between seasons (round zero).
Profile page enables users to choose their preferred language and nationality. Top Rally still keeps on introducing new language versions. If your language is still not present among available versions and you feel like you want to help developing it - please contact game authors. They will provide you with existing copy to start the translation process.
Every Maxi TR owner have a possibility to set his team's logo. This graphical symbol of your team will be displayed on the office page, as well as on other press releases lists, making your team additionally distinguishable. In order to be accepted, logo image must meet following requirements: image file size must not exceed 30 kilobytes; file format must be jpeg, png, bmp or gif; size of the logo must not be more than 140 x 140 pixels.
Team name and all other names entered by user must not be offensive, immoral, improper in common reception, nor violate any law. In addition neither team name nor user login can advertise any web page. TopRally also claims its right to change user data or disable user account in extreme situations and will not be obligated to explain any reason. TopRally takes no responsibility for information entered by users.
Registered users can view and edit their personal information. User who registers at TopRally accepts processing of this information for marketing and statistical purposes, in accordance with act on protection of personal details dated August 29, 1997 (Dz. U. nr 133, poz. 883) and agrees TopRally will send important information concerning the game to given email address.
The Rally of Champions
With end of every season, in every country the Top Rally Federation organizes a very special event: Rally of Champions. It is supposed to be a festival of rallying, despite the fact, that competitors will receive no league points and no prize money. Moreover, only individually invited teams can take part in this extraordinary competition. Another special thing about the Rally of Champions is that it is attended by all the most famous competitors from country's first league, as well as by best teams from lower leagues. Invitation to this prestigious rally is a great honour for every team that will ever receive it. To be among lucky ones, team must be placed in the top ten of first league, top six of second league, top five of third league or be one of fourth league winners. Total number of teams invited to the Rally of Champions is 100.
Rally of Champions takes place during the week after season is over - it is so called round zero. No one is obliged to attend this rally, and team's manager is the only person to make the decision. Even though there is no entry fee, car preparations and servicing make additional costs and managers should take this into account when considering eventual participation in this special rally. On the other hand, specific attracting strength, medial power and vision of fame are really great, and many just dream about a chance to shine in such superior company, no matter what is the cost. Some may even decide to buy new stronger car in order to show team's best, they may also drive first rally in new car bought for the forthcoming season. Soon, teams that cannot afford their own top class rally car will have possibility to rent one especially for this rally, when the car hire is introduced. So the Rally of Champions is not about the money, it is mostly competition for fame, glory and all the inestimable benefits that follow good performance in prestigious rally.
Maxi TR
Maxi TR is a set of additional features that make the game more attractive and even more playable. Even though all the information is available for every user, including those who have not enabled Maxi TR, nevertheless Maxi TR users get it gathered in a way that makes analysing and concluding easier and quicker. Making right decisions is easier with direct access to all the valuable information. Furthermore, if you want to join one of the Rally Groups or even take your part in Rally Groups' Championship, you need Maxi TR, too. Below you will find a list of all benefits that follow enabling of Maxi TR.
Friendly teams list
If your friends also play Top Rally, you can add them to the friendly teams list, which will be displayed under the menu bar. Special icon indicates current status of each of your friends - you can check who is currently online. To add a team to the friendly list you need to open its office page and click 'friend' icon next to name of the team. Clicking that icon again will remove team from the list.
Watching teams, competitors and cars
Maxi TR allows manager to keep track of chosen teams, competitors and cars. If you want to be instantly informed about your rivals' actions, you simply need to add them to the list of observed teams. Link to the list is available at the office page. To add a team to the list, open office page of team you are interested in and click the small "magnifying glass" icon next to team name. Click the icon (it became green since team is watched) once again if you want to remove team from the list. For every observed team you can specify what kind of activities should be reported to you. The messages can concern rally entries, auction and transfer moves or forum posts. Watching particular competitors is quite similar. If any of competitors interests you and you want to be informed about his career, add him to the list. You will be able to set up notifications and receive messages when he is placed on transfer list, or is signed for a rally.
Rivals' entries
If you want to know rally entries made by other managers from your league, go to My Entries page and choose proper link. You will see all your rivals' entries. This may be an interesting information, for example if you want to find out what kind of training your opponents choose, or how intensive training and starts they prefer.
Team logo
Every team with activated Maxi TR facility is able to put its own graphical sign onto the office page. Logo will be also displayed next to every press release published on league press releases page. You can upload your logo through the Setup page, available in the Office section.
Press releases
It may be a good idea to inform the rally community about manager's successes or other important events concerning his team. Maxi TR gives you the opportunity to create and publish short press releases. Choose proper link in your office and enter your information. Submitted note will be displayed in your office as well as on league press releases page, available in My League section.
To effectively compete with other teams, you probably need to know about them as much as possible. Detailed statistics are available for all Maxi TR owners, and managers can use them to broaden their knowledge of Top Rally world. You can check how good your team is compared to other teams. You can find out the most valuable competitors and perhaps spot your own team member on the list. You can analyse the potential of particular team, watching total or average value of its members and cars. It is also possible to find out what types of training are most popular among Top Rally players. Statistics can be presented for all Top Rally teams or filtered to present particular league level. Statistical information will probably help you choosing good strategy for the entire season.
Competitors’ achievements
Achievements page gathers information about competitor’s records and starts. Managers can check number of kilometers driven by a team member as driver and co-driver, as well as number of completed and not completed rallies. Page lists competitor’s best standings and record times held on particular special stages. You can choose to view whole history information, or filter it by guest or league rallies and by rallies attended in current or previous season.
History of test special stages
All results from test special stages are available to view for one additional round.
Rally groups
Maxi TR comes with the functionality of rally groups. It is possible to establish a group associating fellow teams. But you can also join one of already existing groups, if its profile is interesting to you. More on rally groups can be found in separate paragraph.
Activating Maxi TR
You can get your extended version of Top Rally by choosing Maxi TR link from the navigation menu. Then, follow the instructions found on that page.
Rally groups
If you want to gather your friends or cooperate with other players, no matter which league they start in, you can establish a Rally Group. Groups associate teams that have something in common, let it be country, hobby or any other point of interest. Groups usually consit of several teams and is closed to all other users. However, new members may be invited to a group at any time. Rally Group is a perfect place to share your opinions and experience with fellow managers. In addition, group members can take part in special championships called The Rally Groups League.
Each group has its private forum, which can be accessed only by group members (and TopRally administrators). Group forums are completely autonomous and cannot be supervised by Moderators nor Game Masters.
To join or create a Rally Group you need to obtain extended version of TopRally - MaxiTR. To join an existing group, choose one from the list and click the appropriate link. Your request will be sent to group administrators and they will decide if you can join the group. But you can also set up your own group. In order to do that, choose "Create new group" button on the Rally Groups list page. Fill the form, entering group name, short description of group profile, and optionally the home page address. Once your group is created, you will be able to specify additional group administrators, press representative, forum moderator, as well as teams nominated for Rally Groups League championship. Rally Group can be also identified by its unique logo. Logo image is displayed on group's office page, press releases page and a couple of other places. Logo images must meet the following requirements: file size cannot exceed 30 kilobytes and it must be stored in either jpeg, png, bmp or gif format. Maximum logo size is 140 x 140 pixels and logo icon can be up to 14 x 14 pixels.
Rally Groups League
Rally Group's members can compete in groups' championships - another cool TopRally functionality. Rally Groups League is a separate competition, with its own classification. Every group can nominate up to five teams each round (this is done by a responsible group member). Nominated teams race for league points, and summary number of points make group's total result, which is then multiplied by 'league coefficient'.
League coefficients in Rally Groups League:
Number of league levels in country: | |||
League level: | 4,5,... | 3 | 2 |
I | 12 | 10 | 8 |
II | 10 | 8 | 5 |
III | 8 | 5 | 4 |
IV | 5 | 4 | 4 |
V | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Group that gains highest number of points wins the League. In case of two or more teams having same number of points, higher position is given to team that won more league rallies. If there is still no winner – we compare number of second, third and lower positions, until winner is found. Winners of Rally Groups League will be additionally rewarded with extra one month extension of MaxiTR. The extra prize is given to all these members of winning group, who have been nominated to league competition during past season.
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